Within FCA, there are smaller subgroups who participate in different activities. From both cultural and modern dance to sports, FCA offers events for everyone!
These subgroups currently include:
- Cultural
- Sports
- Modern Dance
- Writing Committee
- FCArts
- BuzzFCA
Keeping Culture at the center of FCA, our cultural subgroup focuses on sharing several different aspects of the Filipino. Ranging from dances, games, and even current events, our cultural group truly displays the complexities that can be found in the Filipino culture. If you want to learn more, then come out to our Cultural Subgroup meetings, which usually take place on Mondays at 6PM.
If you have any questions, contact our Cultural Chairs, Psalmy Lacson and Troy Rementina.
Sports. Need to get up out of your seat? Well, have no fear, our sports coordinators are here! If you’re looking for fitness or fun, our Sports Subgroup holds Fitness Sundays with Loading 24/7 and Game Nights on our FCA Discord server!
If you have any questions, contact our Sports Coordinators, Anella Tabafunda and Dan Gerochi.
So, you think you can dance? (no copyright intended) If you think you got some moves, or even if you just want to learn how to dance, come out to our Modern Dance Subgroup! We host workshops taught by dancers in the DMV area and sometimes by our very own General Body Members! Our workshops are open to dancers of all skill levels and are held on Wednesdays at 8PM!
If you have any questions, contact our Modern Directors, Mary Abbago and Miko Siarez.
Writing Committee
For anyone in FCA, PCN is our biggest event of the year. This student run production is written by our very own Writing Committee Subgroup! If you’re interested in writing a play, or just want to witness the production process, this subgroup is perfect for you. Spring semester meetings are tbd.
If you have any questions, contact our Head Writers, Valeska Zitta and Felix Gu.
If you’re interested in anything arts related, then FCArts is the perfect subgroup for you! From studio arts to videography, FCArts holds meetings to teach and showcase these various artforms. With artists spotlights and guest performances, you can count on FCArts to provide you with the creative boost you need. Our meetings occur monthly on Fridays at 7PM!
If you have any questions, contact our FCArts directors, Therese Martin, Hailey Pinggoy, and Christine Baker.
BuzzFCA is a FCA content platform & creative outlet made by general body for general body! Throughout the year, the BuzzFCA crew and any other interested individuals work to create a bunch of different content: vlogs, podcasts, snack swaps & more
Take a look at our content at ‘BuzzFCA’ on YouTube and Instagram!
We are always looking out for new content and ways to improve. So, if you have any interest, questions, or concerns, please reach out to the directors – Patrick Hael, Aenon Denaque, Kendrick Carlos, and Evan Zhao!